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Making a Claim for a Road Traffic Accident

Advice from our expert Personal Injuries Solicitor, Majella Walsh

Motor vehicle claims account for the greatest percentage of personal injury claims submitted to Personal Injuries Assessment Board in recent years. Almost three-quarters of all types of claims submitted come from motor vehicle accidents also known as road traffic accidents.

If you have experienced a personal injury as a result of being a passenger in a car, or at the hands of a driver of another vehicle Halpin and Company solicitors’ expert personal injury solicitors in Cork will deal with your query in the strictest of confidence and are on hand to advise you.

It is important at the time of the accident to gather certain details to enable our expert personal injury solicitors in Cork advise you correctly on your personal injury claim;

  • You should obtain the name, address and insurance details of the other driver.
  • You should also exchange your own information if you are a driver of another vehicle involved in the accident.
  • The other driver involved in the accident is not insured, a claim in relation to personal injuries can still be made through the Motor Insurance Bureau of Ireland who deal with claims relating to uninsured drivers.
  • Make sure that the gardaì are called to the accident scene.
  • You should keep a clear list of any out of pocket expenses you have as a result of the accident including medical expenses, loss of earnings and replacement of any items damaged in the accident. In order to make a claim for expenses, you must provide proof in the form of receipts so keep good records.

There are strict time limits in which you can bring a claim for personal injury arising out of a motor vehicle accident, so don’t delay call Halpin and Company solicitors’ expert personal injury solicitors in Cork on 021-425-1843 or email us at info@halpinsolicitors.ie where all your queries will be dealt with in the strictest of confidence.

HALPIN & Co. Solicitors | Practical Experience, Trusted Advice – from Solicitors in Cork

Halpin Solicitors Cork

7 South Mall, Cork City

Tel: 021 425 1843

Email: info@halpinsolicitors.ie


